Monday 5 January 2015

Question 3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

To begin my audience research we asked a group of friends, within the range of the target audience, to watch our music video and tell us what they thought.

This was very useful as it showed us our strengths and weaknesses of the video, and which parts we could change and learn from. 
We also created a survey on Survey Monkey to use a different media platform to get feedback from our audience. These are the questions we asked. 

 Here are a sample of the comments left on our music video when we put it on YouTube.

I have learnt a lot from my audience feedback. The majority of the feedback has been positive which has been encouraging and has shown me which ideas are popular and could be used again in the future. However, the criticism I have received has been the most useful part of the feedback. I has shown me the less popular parts of the music video and interestingly the people I have asked have all agreed on the parts that they like the least. All criticism has been constructive and has shown me what we should not have done and what we should change if we had the chance. 

We wanted our artist to appeal to a wide range of people however, we guessed that it would be mainly   women of all ages that it would appeal to but not many men. I thought I would test this and I asked a man what he thought. Our video seem to appeal to a wider audience than we thought.